How long is the class?
We have 2 parts to our training. Each part is on a different date. For initial CCW License, there is two 4 hour online classroom sessions, and 8 hour range training session. For CCW renewal license, there is two 4 hours online classroom sessions, and a range qualification.
How much does it cost?
Initial training in order to obtain your certificate of completion costs $295. If you already have a CCW permit, renewal fees are only $164. Class fees include all class material, range fees, and targets. To save your seat in the class please register online. Registration at the door is subject to availability, our classes often fill up quickly, so pre-payment is recommended to secure your seat in class, and a lane on the shooting range. Our Shooting Range Live-Fire training is limited to 15 students per class. For any questions email joel@reddingfirearms.com or dave@reddingfirearms.com or you can call (530) 945-8925.
Where is the training held?
The classroom session is held online on ZOOM and once we meet in person again after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, we meet at SBC, 2951 Goodwater Ave, Redding, CA 96002. We use one of multiple locations for field training, ask your instructor for range training location.
Should I bring my gun?
No! Do not bring your gun to the classroom session if you are seeking a first time CCW License. We do ask that you bring your gun, eye protection, ear protection, and at least 100 rounds of ammunition for the Range session.
Can I get a non-resident permit for Florida or Arizona with this class?
Yes. Each state has its own set of rules, but the certificate is from the NRA and can be used in all of those states to obtain a non-resident concealed carry weapons permit.
Does it matter which gun I use?
It does not matter what handgun you bring to the Range session, but it would be wise to bring the gun that you would like to carry as it will help you get used to it.
What are the new CCW Laws?
SB2 was signed into law by Governor Newsom, and becomes effective January 1, 2024. This law amends penal code section 26165 (a)(1) which will require 16 hours of training for a new CCW license and amends penal code section 26165 (d) which will require 8 hours of training for renewal of a CCW license. Effective for any training classes beginning after January 1, 2024 the class fees will also be increasing to cover the additional class time requirement.
Do both NEW and RENEWAL applicants need to attend a shooting range class?
Yes! If you are applying for a CCW license for the first time (you do not currently have a CCW license) then you will also need to choose an “Initial Range Training” date. If you are renewing your existing CCW license, then in addition to online classroom training, you will also need to choose a “Renewal Range Qualification” date.